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We’ve all heard the saying, prevention is better than the cure… Follow these preventative posture tips to improve your chance of reducing your risk of injury, or those niggling aches!
Whether travelling, undertaking DIY projects, gardening or just lazing Read more
I was asked recently if I had any hints and tips to manage aches and pains that don’t involve painkillers. Simple actions you can take to help your body stay active and repair itself quickly
These are my top Read more
Whether travelling, undertaking DIY projects, gardening or just relaxing at home, there are some great posture tips to prevent pain when gardening, relaxing or doing DIY to help avoid problems with your back and posture.
By rule of thumb always use cold therapy on achy joints – unless you are sure what is injured or have had professional advice. If you have back or neck pain which is achy, nagging or dull, then it Read more